The Reward of a Humble Failure

On November 21, 2020, in ‘Children’s Tales’

In front of the queen, Tobias took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and began to sing… But he got all the melodies wrong! Distraught, he started crying in his mother’s arms. In a distant kingdom, there was a beautiful mountainous region with tall mountains and deep valleys. Its pleasant climate invited…” [continues]

Devotion to Mary: Guarantee of Salvation 2

On August 27, 2021, in Meditations

Oh, what precious assurance for our future if we love the Blessed Virgin Mary to the point of wanting to be living images of her on Earth!

Sixth apparition

When Our Lady appeared for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917, Lucia had just turned 10 years old, Francisco was about to turn 9, and Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children, was a little over 7 years old. The apparitions of Our Lady took place regularly at Cova de Iria, […]

Fifth apparition

When Our Lady appeared for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917, Lucia had just turned 10 years old, Francisco was about to turn 9, and Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children, was a little over 7 years old. The apparitions of Our Lady took place regularly at Cova de Iria, […]

Fourth apparition.

When Our Lady appeared for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917, Lucia had just turned 10 years old, Francisco was about to turn 9, and Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children, was a little over 7 years old. The apparitions of Our Lady took place regularly at Cova de Iria, […]

Third apparition.

When Our Lady appeared for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917, Lucia had just turned 10 years old, Francisco was about to turn 9, and Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children, was a little over 7 years old. The apparitions of Our Lady took place regularly at Cova de Iria, […]

Second apparition.

When Our Lady appeared for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917, Lucia had just turned 10 years old, Francisco was about to turn 9, and Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children, was a little over 7 years old. The apparitions of Our Lady took place regularly at Cova de Iria, […]

First apparition.

When Our Lady appeared for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917, Lucia had just turned 10 years old, Francisco was about to turn 9, and Jacinta, the youngest of the three shepherd children, was a little over 7 years old. The apparitions of Our Lady took place regularly at Cova de Iria, […]

The Carmelite Scapular.

Our Lady promised to Saint Simon Stock… ‘Whoever dies wearing the scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.

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