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With over 20 years spreading Marian devotion in Argentina.

God precedes His great interventions in history with numerous and varied signs. Frequently, He employs men of remarkable virtue to transmit His warnings to the people or predict future events. This is how the Eternal Father acted in relation to the coming of the Messiah, His Only Begotten Son. The magnitude of such an event, around which the history of mankind revolves, required a long and careful preparation.

“¡Por fin, mi Inmaculado corazón triunfará!”

Our Lady of Fatima

These were the words of Our Lady of Fatima that resonated in the hearts of a group of families and friends in Buenos Aires in the year 1997, who formed the first nucleus of the Association Messengers of Fatima, which later changed its name to the current one, Association Mary Queen of the Third Millennium.

By doing so, they sought to respond to the request of Pope Saint John Paul II for the New Evangelization.

Thus, several activities were initiated to promote devotion to Mary, which is the safest and straightest path that leads us to union with Jesus Christ.

“The sower went out to sow.

(Mt 13,1)

This verse from the Gospel of St. Matthew represents well the beginning of the Association Mary Queen of the Third Millennium, marked by a wide dissemination of the book ‘Fatima, Aurora of the third millennium.’

Cooperators and sympathizers of the association took to the streets, approaching vehicles and pedestrians to spread the message of Fatima through leaflets that had a coupon where interested individuals could request the delivery of the mentioned book to their homes.

Thus began the growth of the large family of participants in this apostolate, which today extends to every corner of Argentina.

After this book dissemination, a new phase began: to respond to the appeal that the Virgin made from her first appearance to the three shepherd children on May 13, 1917: ‘Pray the Rosary every day to obtain world peace.’

A beautiful leaflet with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, containing a coupon to request the Rosary, was distributed throughout the country.

Evangelizing Argentina

“Throughout these two decades of the history of the Association Mary Queen of the Third Millennium, numerous campaigns have been promoted to bring this good news of Christ, through Mary, to countless homes.

Thus, this profoundly Marian apostolate has reached our vast territory, from north to south and from east to west, having sent millions of correspondences.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.

Our work


The word ‘angel’ means messenger. Like true ‘angels’ in the service of Our Mother, the Messengers of Fatima emerged.

Men and women of all ages and social conditions voluntarily dedicated themselves, according to their particular possibilities, to distribute the leaflets of the Association Mary Queen of the Third Millennium everywhere, giving a very significant boost to the growth of the Association.

These courageous messengers covered the national territory. A true shower of blessings!

Sowing goodness

Throughout this journey, the Association Mary Queen of the Third Millennium has always acted alongside nursing homes, orphanages, hospitals, prisons, underprivileged neighborhoods, and more. Bringing comfort, material assistance, and primarily spiritual support to all.

It also promotes intellectual, moral, religious, and artistic formation for children, youth, and adults, utilizing all available means such as publications, meetings, radio and TV programs, internet resources, school projects, and more.

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